Thursday 14 April 2011

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Evaluation of my Music Magazine TUNE

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My music Magazine TUNE,  which is aimed towards the pop genre of music, was designed to maintain the main conventions of an established and successful music magazine of this specific genre. However I purposely varied some of its qualities in order to assists in developing a recognisable and unique brand. 

My front cover, double page spread and contents page resembled a majority of music magazine conventions, this was shown by...

  • The large magazine title that was situated at the top of the page, I did this so a reader was able to instantly identify the product as a magazine. 
  • As well as this I named my magazine TUNE  as i believe this to be short, catchy and easy to remember, therefore more likely to be purchased amongst the other magazines. 
  • I listed the main features which would appear within the particular issue on the front cover, in an attempt to 'tease' and appeal to my targeted consumer, 16-24 year olds, notifying them of what is included in this issue.
  • Likewise, another distinct convention that I used on my front cover was a large and focal image. However unlike most magazine I manipulated the image and drew it, I believe that the use of this picture will attract the consumers as it is unique and individual. 
  • In addition I used a continuos colour scheme throughout the front cover deign of; black, orange, white and grey. as well as other bold and contemporary colours throughout the rest of my pages (contents page and double page spread) All of the colours used would be eye catching against the many other magazine that it would sit amongst on the shelves. 
  • Furthermore, I intentionaly had certain text larger and more predominant on the page, allowing it to be more distinct than the opposing text around it, i did this as from analysing many other magazines, this convention is a key way of enticing the reader, and persuading them to purchase your magazine.
  • However unlike a majority of music magazines I did not use thumbnail images or 'stickers' effect on the front cover, as my magazine issue was a tribute to a well established artist therefore the main artists image and name 'Bronski' took most of the attention. 
  • However I did, incorporate other music features on this page so that it made the magazine appear full and worth the money the consumer would have to pay for this particular product, this to was demonstrated by the conventional price tag that was situated on the front cover. 
  • As well as this, my contents page also incorporates both conventional and non-conventional elements of magazines in order to make it unique and allow it to fill a 'niche' in the market. 
  • Such as the use of bright and bold colours which assist in making my magazine appeal to my target demographic. I also use convention sub headings, which to helps entice the brand as well as images which relate to the content of the magazine. 

Who would be the audience for you media product?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The NME music magazine is published by IPC media, an institution that already publishes over 50 magazines on the European market. This institution would therefore give my product a large market to sell on, and possibly distribute the product across the UK as well as Europe if it turns out to be successful in the UK . As IPC media already publishes NME·, a music magazine based on a dissimilar music genre to my magazine TUNE , IPC media would be the perfect publisher of my product as it would not be competing with any of IPC existing products/ Projects, therefore not damaging with any of IPC's existing profit. 

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Looking back at you Preliminary Task, What do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full product?

overall I believe that my Music magazine of a much higher standard than my school magazine, as I am of the opinion that it looks  lot more professional and had more creative flair. I may have been able to produce a higher quality music magazine because I had more experience using the tools supplied such as Photoshop. Which enabled me to precisely and successfully edit my images.

School Magazine                                                                  Music Magazine                                           

Progressive Music Magazine Double Page Spread Design

This is the first colour I was going to use for my image, but I later decided to change it to pink and red as I believe these colours would appeal to my target demographic more

Progressive Music Magazine Contents Page Design

Progressive Music Magazine Front Cover Design
Click to enlarge

Music Magazine Unique Concepts 

Through analysing my targeted audiences responses to the questionnaires, it is evident that most, 16-24 year olds, who are living within the UK insists on creating and establishing their own unique style/trend. Their individualism is too shown through their personal attitudes to music and their preferred genre of music. Therefore, due to these findings I have decided to design a modern music magazine which would attract and appeal to my specific demographic audience. This concept will be highlighted through the use of contemporary  imagery, such as  the one which will be the focal image o my front cover, and colour scheme which will include bright and bold colours. Demonstrating how it is aimed at a younger age group. I have also decided to use sophisticated language, but also keeping certain conventional language styles similar, for example I have used language that only a younger age group would use them selves and recognize. By doing this I have allowed my Magazine TUNE to fill a gap in the market, acting as a modern and sophisticated music magazine for people of a younger age.

Questions to ask a Target Audience about my Magazine TUNE

I have described some questions that I will ask my Target Audience while testing the product for the market:
1. Does the concept of a modern music magazine with slightly more sophisticated language appeal to you?
2. Does my colour scheme reflect the style of the magazine?
3. Do you like the manipulation of the image on the front cover?

4. Would you agree that the price is acceptable for the size and design of the magazine?

Response to the Questions 

1. I believe that the magazine TUNE is a good representation of todays youth, successfully representing the targeted age group in a positive way, I also think that the language used through the entirety of the magazine, was well suited to the magazine itself and the content within, furthermore I consider it appealing that the magazine is modern and contemporary, which is shown though the images which are predominant throughout. As it has the right balance, being sophisticated but still appealing to a vibrant and youthful reader. 

2. I consider the colour scheme to be a clear reflection of the magazine, as it is supposed to appeal to a younger target audience and the bright bold colours, such as the orange and florescent pink helps achieve this. 

3. I was attracted to the magazine because of the image on the front cover, it is clear that the magazine will be interesting and stylish. I also think that by using this type of image, it allows the magazine TUNE to appear different to the other opposing music magazines which are too for sale, helping it stand out amongst the others on the shelf. 

4. All though I consider the magazine to be really good, I do not think that £2.50 to be a reasonable price, as it is a weekly magazine it might be a bit too expensive for regular readers to pay each week, however  I think that £2 would e a more reasonable and realistic price, in order to compete against teh other music magazines. 

Brand Profile 

TUNE has become a truly unique multi-platform media proposition. Through the brands use of magazine articles, their specific website, as well as their individual event nights  and awards, the brand succeeds in reaching over one million music fans during one week, therefore having an immediate impact and influence to those who follow this particular brand through any of their enlisted platforms. TUNE is the longest published and most admired and respected music weekly in the world. Each week consisting to given music fans exclusive knowledge and coverage of the most  contemporary music, through their select interviews and award winning features. as well as including a hype over the new and up coming bands TUNE too looks back at the colourful and vibrant  history of the magazine.
TUNE Music Magazine Audience Profile sheet Mood Board

I have produced a mood board, presenting audience profile examples, promoting my music magazine, showing the audience type, and giving examples of products that the audience own/use regularly.

Here are some links of what my target audience would be associated with:

Music Magazine Flatplans 

I have produced some flatplans for my music magazine design, incorporating image and text positioning and ideas for different content to add.

Front Cover 

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Music Magazine Audience Questionnaire

I have designed a questionnaire, containing necessary questions, relating to my task, that will give me more information about my audience and help to decide which options to make about my target audience, and the style that I adopt for the magazine.

I also designed an interactive, online questionnaire, in order to gain more access to my target audience.

Establishment of Youth Subcultures through Music Magazines

Front Cover - Use of the Ipad
Photos on Set 
I have taken the photos I planned earlier on in the course, and uploaded them online, where I can being the process of choosing which photos to use, and manipulating them:

Development of Music Magazines

The Billboard Music Magazine

Billboard Music Magazine, January 1936:
Through the introducing of the 'music magazine' it was a successful  an crucial contributor in developing and modernising the music industry. As well as enhancing the social elements which surround music. 

BILLBOARD was the initial music magazine which was entirely dedicated  music. The first publishing of the magazine was in 1984, but it wasn't until 1961 until 2005, 
BILLBOARD was devoted entirely to the music industry. The front cover was presented in a style of a newspaper, images and font both appearing in black and white. Despite being published years ago, 
BILLBOARD still uses similar techniques such as  styled fonts and interestingly manipulated images, in order to attract the reader and inevitably increase sales. Through the development of the magazine during the mid 20th century, it began to produce modern and more recongnisable elements to a modern reader such as music charts, which also had an impact on music consumers, introducing a competitive element into the music industry. Now days The magazine focuses on varying genres of music, and has notably developed over its time-span, recently using new technology to its advantage, such as dvds and downloading.

The Billboard Music Magazine
Billboard Music Magazine, July 2010:

Since BILLBOARD was launched in the 20th century, the music industry has grown massively, developing dozens of new sub-genres such as rock, R & B and heavy metal and has had an increasing influence on the way the audience presents itself. In the modern social community, music inspires emotions, being a large part of life, and is evocative to moods and actions. It often has a large influence on other divisions of the media and can dictate codes of behaviour, fashion, friends and cultural norms among sub-cultures.

Music Magazine Publishing Research

It is evident that through the year’s, magazines have been a direct way of musicians being able to connect to their fans, establishing a relationship between the two. In order to create interest the magazines include exclusive information. It is conveyed through increasing demand that magazines are now seen as a necessity for many. The successful marketing of each individual magazine enables the publishers to produce a large amount of profit.

The community that these magazines create is very important for the music industry, where many awards have been set up in the name of these music magazine brands, an example of this is the NME AWARDS. These magazines also include a certain amount of advertising, sometimes in the form of covert advertising, so that new bands can become better known, increasing sales of music, and allowing the music industry to expand.

Ideas for Photo Shoot Locations 

The above images give evidence of an ideal photo shoot, all locations are in the area surrounding East London and Notting Hill. Preferably, on shoot day, the weather will be bright and clear, and I will take the majority of the photos at early evening when the markets; PORTABELLO ROAD, BRICK LANE,COLUMBIA ROAD are near enough clear. But the chaos of the day is still in the atmosphere. However if the weather is unsuitable for my photo shoot plan, then i shall take the photos at a nearby house, in LADBROKE GROOVE.

Music Magazine Front Cover Concept

Although my magazine focus' predominantly on music, I have chosen to look at magazines such as POP and LOVE,in order to use their style, for the front cover image/ look of my magazine. Therefore enabling my magazine to focus on the heading of music, but look dissimilar to the opposing music magazine which are already established and up for sale. Allowing my magazine TUNE to be unique and individual, and although have elements of convention, also challenge these typical ideas. Therefore I have decide give my magazine an edgy feel and make a majority of the images pop art, making the magazine appear arty, as music is a form of art.